Animated Books of classic Nursery Rhymes

A brand new series of animated books bringing

you those favourite nursery rhymes of past and present.

We publish animated books for iphones, ipads and macbooks

where the centuries-old tradition of

illustrated children’s books embraces the digital age.

All our books are specially designed to make

reading easy for children with animations to make it fun.

We begin our reading adventure with several volumes

of the Nursery Rhymes we all remember from childhood.

The illustrations are carefully hand drawn and

animated in a way that helps young children read the words.


As your child’s reading develops

Hand-drawn Books will keep pace

graduating first to longer rhymes then to

the wider world of children’s stories

that have stood the test of time.

Wonderfully animated,

easy to read, easy to say

Incy Wincy and Friends

is the first book in our series

and includes the rhymes:

Incy Wincy

Hickory Dickory Dock

Pussy Cat Pussy Cat

This Little Piggy


  The Cat and the Fiddle

Apple Books

Available Now…

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